Maison Turenne, formerly known as “The Grey Nuns House”, was built in 1870 by Joseph Turenne and is the oldest surviving house in Fort Garry. It was eventually acquired by the Grey Nuns and used by them. It was to be demolished in 1971 to make room for a senior citizens home. At the request of the Fort Garry Historical Society, the contractor for the residence gave the house to the Municipality of Fort Garry and the house was subsequently moved to a site at the La Barriere Monument. When the Province acquired the Moody Property on Turnbull Drive, it was agreed by all concerned that this structure should be moved onto the site as a part of a planned heritage park for the St. Norbert area. The Turenne House now sits on the site of the St. Norbert Provincial Heritage Park at the junction of the Red and La Salle rivers. The Turenne House is open to visitors during park hours.
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St. Norbert Provincial Heritage Park
St. Norbert Provincial Heritage Park Information